The 2024 OIGA Conference and Trade Show, also known as ‘the biggest little show in Indian Gaming,’ will be held in Oklahoma City, August 12-14.
The conference and trade show will draw nearly 3,000 vendors, visitors and guest speakers to Oklahoma City to celebrate and advance our industry. If you have never attended the OIGA Trade Show, you are in for a treat! It is a lively, fun, informative, high-energy assembly of some of the biggest names in the gaming and hospitality industries.
It’s going to be a wonderful Conference and a spectacular Trade Show at Oklahoma City Convention Center. The welcome reception, Poker and Blackjack Tournaments will be held on Monday at the iconic Cain’s Ballroom.
Tuesday morning will be dedicated to a wide array of sessions. The Trade Show floor will open at noon for maximum networking and instead of the formal luncheon, our awards and scholarship recipients will be presented on the Show floor stage, with a more casual meal.
Thursday will be filled with more sessions and fun on the Show floor.