GiG has recently completed its purchase of AskGamblers.
Gaming Innovation Group announced its planned acquisition of AskGamblers and a number of relevant websites back in December, which has now been finalized. The firm has already transferred just under half of its total due amount to Catena Media, and the rest will be paid over the next couple of years.
The purchase’s payment structure, as announced in December, involves a 20 million euro upfront payment that has already been completed, and a further couple of payments worth 10 and 15 million euros. The former of the pending sums is due in a year, while the latter is expected in two years.
GiG has also recently posted that it’s eager to take advantage of its brand-new assets and that it will be focusing its efforts on enhancing their performance. Additionally, the firm also stated that it has a clear strategy in place involving AskGamblers that it plans on executing in the near future.
We are excited to add AskGamblers to our portfolio of subsidiaries, and we are certain that it will enhance our operations greatly. Furthermore, this purchase will have the benefit of diversifying our group’s income, which will lower our overall operating risks and will help us expand more quickly.
commented the chief executive officer of Gaming Innovation Group, Richard Brown.