Rank Interactive migrates its operations on new platform

  • 1 min read
Rank Interactive migrates its operations on new platform

Rank Group’s Interactive division has recently finalized its migration on a new proprietary solution.

The gambling firm Rank Group has recently announced about the completion of the migration process of its Grosvenor Casino unit onto its subsidiary Stride Gaming’s proprietary solution. The move has been finalized with the help of the Interactive division of the Group.

Since the acquisition of Stride Gaming back in 2019, Rank Interactive has had an objective to migrate all of the group’s major operations onto their newly acquired proprietary platforms.

The move will entail a number of benefits for both the corporation and its users. The company will have greater control of its entire ecosystem, allowing for an ameliorated experience for the players.

We are delighted to announce that we have finalized the migration of our Grosvenor Casino onto our own proprietary solution. The migration has been a significant objective for us since the acquisition of Stride, and we are thrilled to have finally attained it. We worked hard to make sure the integration will deliver on its objectives while ensuring a seamless experience for our users.

commented the managerial director of the Interactive arm of Rank Group, Jon Martin.

This migration will be the last one of its kind onto our Stride platform, as we have completed all other major operations. We are looking forward to hearing what our customers think of the improvements and additions that are now going to be possible thanks to this integration.

Martin continued.
