Games Global, a leading provider of iGaming content, is gearing up to present its extensive array of one-of-a-kind studios and groundbreaking progressive jackpot network at ICE London 2024.
The Sunborn Yacht’s “Studio Boulevard,” where guests may interact with executives from Games Global’s companion companies and thoroughly immerse themselves in previews of forthcoming exclusive releases across various demo rooms, will be the event’s focal point.
In a dedication to bringing an unparalleled ICE experience, Games Global will commandeer the entire luxury yacht, conveniently situated just a short stroll from the conference venue. Its 39 exclusive studio partners will provide a platform to exhibit their distinctive and dynamic material in this engaging area.
A new addition this year is the introduction of dedicated areas on the yacht, including the ‘Games Global Introducing Lounge,’ featuring five brand-new studios, and the ‘Games Global Live and Table Games Lounge,’ seamlessly bringing together specialists from both verticals.
In addition to Games Global’s own game library boasting over 1,300 various titles, the provider is home to industry-renowned online progressive jackpots.
The Chief Executive at Games Global, Walter Bugno mentioned:
Our team is thrilled to continue on the success that was created in an incredible 2023, and ICE London 2024 is the perfect venue to accelerate our path to being ‘The One.’ We released 242 titles to operators in the preceding year, 31 of which were customised games built just for particular operators. This demonstrates our dedication to providing unique and pertinent content. We are ready for more success in 2024, with an amazing roadmap soon to be revealed. Our first exciting trip will be to London, where our basic values of audacity, sincerity, accountability, and unity will be highlighted.
After a highly successful 2023 that witnessed the release of over 240 unique games from its global network of proficient partners, Games Global returns to the industry’s premier event with renewed enthusiasm. Attenedees can discover Games Global’s complete content suggestion and discover more about the record-breaking progressive jackpots at Stand N5-120 at the ExCeL.