New proposal to mandate warnings in gambling ads in New York

New proposal to mandate warnings in gambling ads in New York

A newly proposed law in New York will mandate gambling firms to integrate cautionary messages in their advertisements.

The New York State Assembly bill A1118 has recently been introduced as an update to the jurisdiction’s gambling laws. It will require all advertisements promoting various gambling activities in the region to integrate information about the potential negative side effects of the pastime. The new bill also aims to mandate gambling companies to include a hotline number for problem gambling.

One of the most significant reasons for the bill’s introduction is the lack of funding for public service announcements covering gambling harms. The “justification” section of the bill’s senate version, New York State Senate bill S1550, mentions that in contrast to the industry’s rapidly expanding advertising budget, the state spends only a million dollars per year on problem gambling public service announcements.

At the time of writing the bill is in committee and will be voted on soon. Upon passing it will officially become law approximately 60 days after its voting date.
