Effective as of this moment, statistics of the Danish gambling market that previously were available quarterly will now be exposed monthly.
Formerly, the Spillemyndigheden (Danish Gambling Authority) was sharing its three–month statistics, along with updates. As of today, those monthly data and important digits for January of the current year are revealed.
Per published stats, the combined gross gaming revenue or GGR for activities in the industry including online and land–based casinos, wagering, and slot machines has had 595 million units. This figure marks a 15.9% mount of DKK 82 million during the previous year’s January statistics.
In January of this year, the collective sprouted across all gambling fields can be assigned to the GGR enlargement for slot machines and land–based casinos. When comparing these figures to the ones of the last year same period, gaming machines practiced an increase of 81 million DKK, while land–based casinos saw a 27 million DKK increase. The reasons that can explain this rise in these two areas can be assigned to the COVID–19 limitations imposed during that period, which led to the prohibition of arcades and physical casinos. In contrast, such bans were not in place during this year.
The latest published statistics include data on monopoly lotteries in 2022, resulting in the completion of the overall calculation of the Danish gambling market for the year. Depending on the gathered data, the summed–up gross revenue in 2022 reached DKK 10.1 billion. However, when weighting this to the previous year’s statistics, the digit represents a decline of nearly DKK 300 million in fixed prices equivalent to a 2.8% decrease in 2021.
On the other hand, this year the gross revenue for wagering, as well as online casinos, experienced a reduction of 19 million DKK and 7 million DKK, respectively, in percentages is 8.3% and 2.7%, accordingly.