Peru extends timeline for iGaming tax increase

Peru extends timeline for iGaming tax increase

The Peruvian government’s decision to adjust tax rates for online gaming and betting has provided operators with a temporary break from increased financial obligations.

The decree, issued on 19 January, revises the General Sales Tax (IGV) and Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) Law, introducing new tax rates for remote gaming and sports betting platforms.

The amendment adjusts Appendix IV of the IGV and ISC Law, temporarily setting the ISC rate at 0.3% for these activities until 30 June. Originally, a 1% ISC tax rate was scheduled to begin on 1 January, but the updated timeline delays its implementation to 1 July.

This adjustment aims to address operational challenges online operators face in applying the consumption tax.

Endorsed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Supreme Decree will take effect the day after its publication in the official gazette, El Peruano.

The postponement of the 1% ISC tax implementation offers temporary relief to online gaming and betting operators, addressing their concerns about potential disruptions. The interim 0.3% rate provides a lower initial burden, giving companies time to adapt and establish compliance systems for the upcoming changes. This ISC adjustment is part of Peru’s broader regulatory framework for remote gaming and sports betting, which mandates that activities be conducted on platforms approved by Mincetur to ensure compliance with national standards.

The planned increase to a 1% ISC tax remains subject to further review, with potential adjustments depending on discussions among regulatory authorities and industry stakeholders.
